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Add Chain Configuration

To run a relayer between two chains, first you need to set up the configuration for both chains.

If you are running with just local chains, the hermesAddChannel command takes care of everything. But if you need to communicate with chains that are outside the networks created by hanchond, you need to manually add both chains and call the create-channel command.


To add a configuration you must send the following parameters as flags:

  • chainid: Chain-id, i.e., evmos_9001-2
  • p26657: Endpoint where the port 26657 is exposed, i.e., http://localhost:26657
  • p9090: Endpoint where the port 9090 is exposed, i.e., http://localhost:9090
  • keyname: Key name, it's used to identify the files inside Hermes, i.e., relayerkey
  • keymnemonic: Key mnemonic, mnemonic for the wallet
  • prefix: Prefix for the bech32 address, i.e, osmo
  • denom: Denomination of the base token, i.e, aevmos
  • is-evm: If the chain is EVM compatible, this is used to determinate the type of wallet.
hanchond playground relayer add-chain-config \
    --chainid=evmos_9001-2 \
    --p26657=http://localhost:26657 \
    --p9090=http://localhost:9090 \
    --keyname=evmosrelayer \
    --keymnemonic="attend recipe own funny garden fiber glad inherit loud skull kangaroo swing license visual learn explain economy best news sibling float video disorder prepare" \
    --prefix="evmos" \
    --denom="aevmos" \
Relayer initialized
Adding a EVM chain