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Upgrade v19.1.0

The v19.1.0 upgrade applies changes that impact some IBC functionality, so it can not be run with just one node.

Install Hanchond

Download the already built binary from the release page

Install Dependencies

This step requires 2 dependencies to build the binaries from the source code:

  • golang
  • rust
$ hanchond p build-evmos v18.1.0
$ hanchond p build-evmos v19.1.0
$ hanchond p build-hermes

The output should look like this:

Cloning evmos version: v18.1.0
Building evmos...
Moving built binary...
Cleaning up...
Cloning evmos version: v19.1.0
Building evmos...
Moving built binary...
Cleaning up...
Cloning hermes version: v1.9.0
Building hermes...
Moving built binary...
Cleaning up...

Set up the Network

Init the Genesis Files

$ hanchond p init-genesis 1 -v v18.1.0
Node added with id: 1
$ hanchond p init-genesis 2 -v v18.1.0
Node added with id: 2

Start the Nodes

$ hanchond p start-node 1
Evmos is running with id: 56337
$ hanchond p start-node 2
Evmos is running with id: 56543

Connect Both Nodes with IBC

Create a channel between the chain 1 and 2, then start the relayer.

$ hanchond p hermes-add-channel 1 2
Getting first node data...
Getting second node data...
Both chains are running
Relayer initialized
First chain added
Second chain added
Calling create channel
Channel created
$ hanchond p start-hermes
Hermes running with PID: 62746

Send an IBC Transaction

Send 100 tokens from chain 1 to chain 2, we are using a random wallet as a destination to avoid sending to the same address in both chains because that case is specially handled in the Evmos' IBC hook.

$ hanchond p tx ibc-transfer evmos1f3x0ypjxt2l7tnkt8dvplgd4prk9z35j0ghe87 100 --denom aevmos

Check if the transaction was successful:

$ hanchond p query tx 148315FF3BD37E6040110E7A780BC770F944CAEACA39B55242A0D0896F50320A
code: 0
codespace: ""
data: 12370A312F6962632E6170706C69636174696F6E732E7472616E736665722E76312E4D73675472616E73666572526573706F6E736512020801

Check the balance of that wallet in the chain 2:

$ hanchond p query balance evmos1f3x0ypjxt2l7tnkt8dvplgd4prk9z35j0ghe87 --node 2
- amount: "100"
  denom: ibc/8EAC8061F4499F03D2D1419A3E73D346289AE9DB89CAB1486B72539572B1915E
  next_key: null
  total: "0"

Register the IBC-Denom in the STRv1 Module

  • Create the governance proposal:
$ hanchond playground tx str-v1-proposal ibc/8EAC8061F4499F03D2D1419A3E73D346289AE9DB89CAB1486B72539572B1915E -n 2
  • Vote on the proposal:
$ hanchond playground tx vote -n 2
  • Check the STRv1 values to confirm that it was registered:
$ hanchond p q evmos token-pairs -n 2 | jq .
    "erc20_address": "0x80b5a32E4F032B2a058b4F29EC95EEfEEB87aDcd",
    "denom": "ibc/8EAC8061F4499F03D2D1419A3E73D346289AE9DB89CAB1486B72539572B1915E",
    "enabled": true,
    "contract_owner": "OWNER_MODULE"

Perform the Network Upgrade

Create the Proposal

Now that we already sent an IBC transaction and the token was registered in the STRv1 module, we can upgrade the chain 2 to v19.1.0.

Make sure to vote on the proposal after submiting it.

$ hanchond playground tx upgrade-proposal v19.1.0 --height-diff 50 -n 2
{"hash":"615834017CAB21BA14F7076686C7019B2FAB2B74AB3D5A387B36362D1F9DC474", "height":1680}
$ hanchond playground tx vote -n 2

Check the Node Height

$ hanchond playground query height -n 2

After reaching the block height that was returned in the upgrade-proposal we can stop the node, change the version and restart the node.

Change the Node Version

  • Stop the node:
$ hanchond p stop-node 2
Node is no longer running
  • Change the binary version:
$ hanchond p change-version 2 v19.1.0
Node 2 updated to version v19.1.0
  • Restart the node:
$ hanchond p start-node 2
Evmos is running with id: 70613

Verify the Upgrade

aevmos is Now a Token-pair

$ hanchond p q evmos token-pairs -n 2 | jq .
    "erc20_address": "0xD4949664cD82660AaE99bEdc034a0deA8A0bd517",
    "denom": "aevmos",
    "enabled": true,
    "contract_owner": "OWNER_MODULE"
    "erc20_address": "0x80b5a32E4F032B2a058b4F29EC95EEfEEB87aDcd",
    "denom": "ibc/8EAC8061F4499F03D2D1419A3E73D346289AE9DB89CAB1486B72539572B1915E",
    "enabled": true,
    "contract_owner": "OWNER_MODULE"

Check the wallet ERC20 Balance

We sent 100aevmos to the wallet: evmos1f3x0ypjxt2l7tnkt8dvplgd4prk9z35j0ghe87

Verify using the ERC20 contract call that the balance is correct:

$ hanchond p q erc20 balance 0x80b5a32E4F032B2a058b4F29EC95EEfEEB87aDcd evmos1f3x0ypjxt2l7tnkt8dvplgd4prk9z35j0ghe87 -n 2

Verify that the validator wallet (evmos10jmp6sgh4cc6zt3e8gw05wavvejgr5pwjnpcky) has aevmos balance using the newly deployed precompile.

$ hanchond p q erc20 balance 0xD4949664cD82660AaE99bEdc034a0deA8A0bd517 evmos10jmp6sgh4cc6zt3e8gw05wavvejgr5pwjnpcky -n 2

Test the Rate-Limit Middleware

  • Create two governance proposals, one for the chain 1 token and another for the chain 2 native token.
  • chain 1 token
$ hanchond p tx rate-limit-proposal ibc/8EAC8061F4499F03D2D1419A3E73D346289AE9DB89CAB1486B72539572B1915E -n 2
$ hanchond playground tx vote -n 2
  • chain 2 native token
$ hanchond p tx rate-limit-proposal aevmos -n 2
$ hanchond playground tx vote -n 2
  • Verify that the rules are active:
$ hanchond p q evmos ibc-rate-limits -n 2 | jq .
  "rate_limits": [
      "path": {
        "denom": "aevmos",
        "channel_id": "channel-0"
      "quota": {
        "max_percent_send": "10",
        "max_percent_recv": "10",
        "duration_hours": "24"
      "flow": {
        "inflow": "0",
        "outflow": "0",
        "channel_value": "99999999998024433120000000"
      "path": {
        "denom": "ibc/8EAC8061F4499F03D2D1419A3E73D346289AE9DB89CAB1486B72539572B1915E",
        "channel_id": "channel-0"
      "quota": {
        "max_percent_send": "10",
        "max_percent_recv": "10",
        "duration_hours": "24"
      "flow": {
        "inflow": "0",
        "outflow": "0",
        "channel_value": "100"
  • Send more than the allowed amout from chain 1 to chain 2:
$ hanchond p tx ibc-transfer evmos1f3x0ypjxt2l7tnkt8dvplgd4prk9z35j0ghe87 100 --denom aevmos
  • Verify that the balance is still the initial 100 ibc/8EAC8061F4499F03D2D1419A3E73D346289AE9DB89CAB1486B72539572B1915E
$ hanchond p q balance evmos1f3x0ypjxt2l7tnkt8dvplgd4prk9z35j0ghe87 -n 2
- amount: "100"
  denom: ibc/8EAC8061F4499F03D2D1419A3E73D346289AE9DB89CAB1486B72539572B1915E
  next_key: null
  total: "0"
  • Send a valid amount (5) from chain 1 to chain 2
$ hanchond p tx ibc-transfer evmos1f3x0ypjxt2l7tnkt8dvplgd4prk9z35j0ghe87 5 --denom aevmos
$ hanchond p q balance evmos1f3x0ypjxt2l7tnkt8dvplgd4prk9z35j0ghe87 -n 2
- amount: "105"
  denom: ibc/8EAC8061F4499F03D2D1419A3E73D346289AE9DB89CAB1486B72539572B1915E
  next_key: null
  total: "0"
  • Send invalid amount from chain 2 to chain 1:
$ hanchond p tx ibc-transfer evmos1x49lse4ykqrvntuancrdjdjzz75xzmsj5nn9p0 99989909980829089120000000 --node 2
$ hanchond p q tx 047B11609D115E85A2C636945537274A3FF9CB486DB828ACB597052F92F67C33 -n 2
code: 4
raw_log: 'failed to execute message; message index: 0: Outflow exceeds quota - Net
  Outflow: 99989909980829089120000010, Channel Value: 99999999998024433120000000,
  Threshold: 10%: quota exceeded'
txhash: 047B11609D115E85A2C636945537274A3FF9CB486DB828ACB597052F92F67C33
  • Send valid amount (10) from chain 2 to chain 1:
$ hanchond p tx ibc-transfer evmos1x49lse4ykqrvntuancrdjdjzz75xzmsj5nn9p0 10 --node 2
$ hanchond p q balance evmos1x49lse4ykqrvntuancrdjdjzz75xzmsj5nn9p0
- amount: "10"
  denom: ibc/8EAC8061F4499F03D2D1419A3E73D346289AE9DB89CAB1486B72539572B1915E
  next_key: null
  total: "0"

Clean Up Files

$ hanchond playground remove-data
Stoping all the running nodes...
Stoping the relayer...
Cleaning up the data...