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Debug STRv2 problem with Steer


$ hanchond p build-evmos v18.1.0
$ hanchond p build-evmos v19.1.0
$ hanchond p build-hermes
$ hanchond p build-solc --version 0.6.12

Set up the chains

Create two chains with just one validator each using the v18.1.0 Evmos version and start them

hanchond p remove-data && hanchond p init-chain 1 --version v18.1.0 && hanchond p init-chain 1 --version v18.1.0 && hanchond p start-chain 1 && hanchond p start-chain 2

IBC config

  • Create an IBC Channel and start the relayer
hanchond p hermes-add-channel 1 2 && hanchond p start-hermes
  • Send an IBC transfer
hanchond p tx ibc-transfer evmos1x49lse4ykqrvntuancrdjdjzz75xzmsj5nn9p0 1000 --node 2
  • Verify the balance:
hanchond p q balance evmos1x49lse4ykqrvntuancrdjdjzz75xzmsj5nn9p0

Register the ERC20

  • Create the proposal
hanchond playground tx str-v1-proposal ibc/8EAC8061F4499F03D2D1419A3E73D346289AE9DB89CAB1486B72539572B1915E
  • Vote
hanchond playground tx vote
  • Wait for it to pass
hanchond p q evmos token-pairs | jq .

We have an ERC20 with the address: 0x80b5a32E4F032B2a058b4F29EC95EEfEEB87aDcd

Deploy AAVE address contract

  • Copy and paste the file to disk, i.e., ./temp/address.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: agpl-3.0
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
contract CheckAddress {
    function isContract(address account) public view returns (bool) {
        bytes32 codehash;
        bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470;
        // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly
        assembly {
            codehash := extcodehash(account)
        return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0);
  • Compile the contract
hanchond playground tx solidity compile-contract ./temp/address.sol -v 0.6.12 -o /tmp
  • Deploy the contract
hanchond playground tx solidity deploy-contract /tmp/CheckAddress.bin
{"contract_address":"0x8dc79b6e0f5ca429ac93d564799cc922c10ec2c8", "tx_hash":"0x262a870feb9298b45ed9f7b02901cca4a9f41ea9e59fb86a56e94d5f259d9243"}
  • Test the contract

The contract that we just deployed MUST return true (0x...1)

hanchond playground tx solidity call-contract-view 0x8dc79b6e0f5ca429ac93d564799cc922c10ec2c8 /tmp/CheckAddress.abi isContract --params=a:0x8dc79b6e0f5ca429ac93d564799cc922c10ec2c8

The ERC20 from STRv2 MUST return true

hanchond playground tx solidity call-contract-view 0x8dc79b6e0f5ca429ac93d564799cc922c10ec2c8 /tmp/CheckAddress.abi isContract --params=a:0x80b5a32E4F032B2a058b4F29EC95EEfEEB87aDcd
  • Create the network upgrade proposal
hanchond playground tx upgrade-proposal v19.1.0 --height-diff 25
  • Vote
hanchond playground tx vote
  • Wait for the upgrade height
hanchond p q height

Apply the upgrade

  • Stop the node
hanchond p stop-node 1
  • Change the version
hanchond p change-version 1 evmosdv19.1.0
  • Restart the node
hanchond p start-node 1

Check the ERC20 precompile has no bytecode

hanchond playground tx solidity call-contract-view 0x8dc79b6e0f5ca429ac93d564799cc922c10ec2c8 /tmp/CheckAddress.abi isContract --params=a:0x80b5a32E4F032B2a058b4F29EC95EEfEEB87aDcd
hanchond p q evmos eth-code 0x80b5a32E4F032B2a058b4F29EC95EEfEEB87aDcd | jq .
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x"

Try the patch

  • Checkout the release branch
cd evmos
git checkout release/v19.x.x
git pull origin release/v19.x.x
hanchond playground tx upgrade-proposal v19.2.0 --height-diff 25
  • Vote
hanchond playground tx vote
  • Build the binary
hanchond p build-evmos --path /Users/hanchon/devel/evmos/evmos
  • Wait for the upgrade height
hanchond p q height
  • Update the node to use the local fork
hanchond p change-version 1 evmosdlocal
  • Stop the node
hanchond p stop-node 1
  • Start the node
hanchond p start-node 1
  • Test the upgrade
hanchond playground tx solidity call-contract-view 0x8dc79b6e0f5ca429ac93d564799cc922c10ec2c8 /tmp/CheckAddress.abi isContract --params=a:0x80b5a32E4F032B2a058b4F29EC95EEfEEB87aDcd
hanchond p q evmos eth-code 0x80b5a32E4F032B2a058b4F29EC95EEfEEB87aDcd | jq .
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x608..."

Clean up

  • Stop all running processes and delete the database
hanchond p remove-data